PROUT's Ecological Views

A comprehensive social theory must address all aspects of social life. Traditionally, this has included economics, governance, culture, social life, and historical development. Many social thinkers recognize that an additional area of concern needs to be included – that of ecology. A proper ecological philosophy can explain humanity’s proper relationship with the natural world and give solutions to our destructive impact on the earth.

PROUT’s value base is neohumanism which holds a reverence for all life. Neohumanism provides a deep cure to environmental destruction, but there is need to work out its practical expression in certain arenas. This class will examine PROUT’s position on the following questions:

• What is a proper approach to preservation of wilderness? How should the wilderness be utilized? Can humans live in harmony with wilderness?

• How should population growth be dealt with?

• What moral scope do humans have to use animals with developed minds for food, clothing and medicine?

• What constraints should be placed on patterns of consumption? And how?

• How can technological development be compatible with environmental health?

• How can there be an approach to development that sustainably maintains ecosystems for future generations?

• To what extent should humanity be concerned with protecting biodiversity?

• Can the environment be fully protected without changing the economic system?

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